NULL Skriv ut sidan - Photography studio to identify date of photo


Titel: Photography studio to identify date of photo
Skrivet av: Carolyn Eccles skrivet 2008-09-20, 04:13
Thanks Roul.  
I also have a picture that has no photograher's name or place in Sweden. The picure is outlined in gold and is about 14cm by 10.5 cm, pasted on light brown cardboard. Under the picure it says Cabinet Fotografi in gold with some sort perhaps crest separating Cabinet and Fotografi.  The picure is of a gentleman with black top hat, long black fitted coat in one hand holding a pair of gloves and fancy walking stick.He has a short beard only on chin with a handle bar muustache. The other arm is holding arm of woman with black lace shawl, holding what looks like a parasol. She has a fancy hat on and is also very fancily dressed. The couple looks to be in about their 40's (years old.
Anyone have any clues???