NULL Skriv ut sidan - Military Service Interpretation


Titel: Military Service Interpretation
Skrivet av: Hans Högman skrivet 2002-03-22, 12:40
Hi Maxine,
By grenadian-soldier I guess you mean a grenadier.
A grenadier was originally a soldier armed with hand grenades. The grenadier first fired his musket and then he would light the fuse of the grenade and throw it. The next move was to charge the enemy with the bayonet mounted on the musket. In each company there were 12 grenadiers.
The grenadiers were the first to be equipped with bayonets (beginning of the 18tn century). They were also equipped with a kind of grenade rifles.
Later when the range of fire of the muskets increased the role of the grenadier changed. In stead the best grenadiers formed an elite unit.
At the end of the 18th century the grenadier units became ordinary infantry units.  
If your ancestor was a grenadier in Linköping he served in the First Life Grenadier Regiment or possible the Second Life Grenadier Regiment. Both regiments resided in Linköping. The Second Life Grenadier Regiment was formerly a cavalry regiment  