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Titel: A scandal in Eksjö
Skrivet av: Tom from Baltimore skrivet 2002-11-14, 03:09
Hello helpers,
I received a tape of the Linköpings DomCapitols from the Mormons. On 4 Apr 1839 J.A. Byloff was made head vicar of Ukna parish in Kalmar. He took A.J. Björkeroth's place as head of the Eksjö parish from 1 Nov 1839 to 1 May 1840. In April 1841 he was made head vicar of Rök and Heda parishes in ÖsterGötlands. Thus, he was in Eksjö about the time Betty Maria was conceived.  
I have not yet found a record where Betty Maria was given the name Byloff. I have a difficult time translating the handwritten Swedish records, but I believe I have the general idea of what happened.
Thank you all. Tom from Baltimore