NULL Skriv ut sidan - Relatives i Illinois


Titel: Relatives i Illinois
Skrivet av: Kerstin Thölix skrivet 2008-05-22, 15:11
Here is what I found out about Ida and her family. She also lived in Quincy and was married to  
Charles J Dahlbom 45
Ida Dahlbom 40
Willard C Dahlbom 18
Phyllis I E Dahlbom 10
Johanna Dahlbom 79 Mother in law
The information is from cencus 1930
In the cencus of 1920 they are also living in Quincy and Charles is working as a machinist in shipyard.
There is a WWII draft regristration card for Charles John Dahlbom born 17 dec 1884 in Gotland Sweden. his nearest relative is his wife Ida Dahlbom 17 abigail ave Quincy Mass.
Johanna, Martha and Sven T Svenson are coming from Östra Broby to Boston on the 7 of June 1906. They are going to husband Per Svenson in Quincy Massachusetts.
When Anna Bengtsson arravies in New York on the 29 of sept 1902 she is going to Nils Bergqvist  in Chicago Illinois