NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nilsson, Josef/Nelson, Joseph


Titel: Nilsson, Josef/Nelson, Joseph
Skrivet av: Judy Olson Baouab skrivet 2007-02-19, 17:50
I tried to post the following yesterday but Anbytarforum wasn't working, at least for me.  
Perhaps he is this person on Emibas. He went to Germany but that doesn't mean he  
didn't then go to the U.S.
Post 302798
Nilsson, Peter Josef
Bondson (unmarried man)
b. 6/26/1850 in Mönsterås, Kalmar län (Småland)
Emigrated 8/4/1871
from Ingebo Nr 1, Mönsterås, Kalmar län (Småland)
to Tyskland
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 312
Emibas migration file ID: Mönsterås H 1871 023
That name is VERY common, however.
Your U.S. friend should check the STATE censuses, taken in years that don't end  
with 0. In the case of Minnesota in the time period you mentioned, those  
censuses would be 1853, 1855, 1857, 1865, 1875, 1885, 1895, and 1905.
Your friend should also check the marvelous records of the Swenson Swedish  
Immigration Research Center. Those records are not online, although they do have  
a website. The membership records (at least for Lutherans and the Covenant  
Church) are very similar to the husförhörslängd in Swedish records.
Those records (which the Swenson Center has) are also available in Sweden at  
this archive.