NULL Skriv ut sidan - Gust Peterson, b Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.


Titel: Gust Peterson, b Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.
Skrivet av: Ron Holmquist skrivet 2002-09-03, 21:10
Hi Eva!
Yes, Eva, this is my second query on the subject of Gust Peterson. It has more accurate information than the first. Also, the answer I received concerning my first query about Gust, did not fit the profile that I now have of him.  
Some examples:
Gust emigrated to Mpls in 1871 and was not married before leaving Sweden.
Sorry if my new query appears to be redundant. However, now, with my providing a new and more accurate profile of Gust, maybe someone can help me with my research. Hope so!! (:>)
Thanks, Eva, for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it!
Best regards,