NULL Skriv ut sidan - Gust Peterson, b Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.


Titel: Gust Peterson, b Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.
Skrivet av: Ron Holmquist skrivet 2002-09-03, 00:12
Hi Folks!
The only accurate information I have concerning my great-grandfather, Gust Peterson, is from his MN death certificate. That information was given to the coroner by Gust's son, Arthur G. Peterson.
The following is that info:
Gust was born on Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.  
After emigrating to Minnesota in 1871, Gust lived in the Bohemian Flats area of south Minneapolis, MN. He worked as a track worker for the Milwaukee RR for over 50 years. At his death, on March 20, 1942, Gust resided at 266-19th Ave So. Mpls.  
He was married to his wife, Sophia Johnson, on July 9, 1884. The ceremony was in Mpls.
I realize that this information about Gust is very limited. However, if someone could help me in my search for any other information, I would be very appreciative.