
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - Swedish language => Ämnet startat av: karen skrivet 2004-03-27, 04:48

Titel: Do
Skrivet av: karen skrivet 2004-03-27, 04:48
During my research I keep coming across the abbreviation Do. and something that looks like ibm., jbm., or lbm.  Does anyone know what these two abbreviations mean.
Titel: Do
Skrivet av: Anders Andersson skrivet 2004-03-27, 06:48
Do = dito
ibm = ibidem (latin)
Both abbreviations mean the same, i.e. literally the same (as above, as previously). Often used for placenames, such as the birthplace column in the clerical survey records, or in the christening records when two witnesses came from the same farm or village.
Titel: Do
Skrivet av: Ann Little skrivet 2004-03-27, 09:22
Dito is the same as ditto in English.