
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - Swedish geography => Ämnet startat av: Nancy Jaderen skrivet 2005-03-15, 20:54

Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Nancy Jaderen skrivet 2005-03-15, 20:54
My spelling is probably way off on these names. Where is Hedsasen located? I think it is somewhere in Kopperberg. Also,Hammaren which I think is in Västmanland. I am trying to locate films for them but I have had no results.
 Thank you.
  Nancy Jaderen
Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Olle Andersson skrivet 2005-03-15, 21:28
There is a Hedsåsen in Rättvik parish, Kopparberg
One page is GID 2196.47.36800.
One Hammaren is in Västerfärnebo parish,  Västmanland.
Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Maud Svensson skrivet 2005-03-15, 22:07
There was a Hedsåsen in Rättvik parish, Kopparberg (today Dalarna) county, according to census 1890. At the time, 14 persons were living there.
Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Nancy Jaderen skrivet 2005-03-16, 00:27
Thank you.Olle and Maud. Now I know what to look for
Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Erick Olofsson skrivet 2005-03-20, 21:27
Can anyone tell me where in Trollhättan, I can find Önan.
Thank you  
Titel: Where are these places located
Skrivet av: Olle Andersson skrivet 2005-03-21, 10:57
I also have ancestors who lived in Önan.
From what I know, before the exploitation of the river Göta Älv - creating at that time largest Hydroelectric Plant, there were a lot of small mills and other industies using the water. They were situated on a number of islands in the middle of the river. And many of the workers had their quarters on the islands - collectively called Önan.
A map showing the islands you can see here:
There are also interesting pictures at
One picture from Önan :