
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - Swedish geography => Ämnet startat av: Jeff Benson skrivet 2004-12-03, 20:44

Titel: Carlsberg in Sillerud, Värmland
Skrivet av: Jeff Benson skrivet 2004-12-03, 20:44
Hi all.
I've been researching families in Sillerud, Värmland. I need a little help locating a place referenced in flyttning records.
Carlsberg: Possibly Carlberg, today probably spelled Karlsberg.
Background: Carl Magnus Hellgren and family lived at Häljebyn, Sillerud until 1821 (Sillerud (S), AI:9A) but disappeared without warning from the next Hfl. Utflyttning records show a daughter who moved out of Sillerud in 1824, leaving from a place called 'Carlsberg.' No such place appears in the Hfl village list. Can't find it on Lanmateriet maps of Sillerud either. It's likely the family is still in Sillerud somewhere but under a different place than Häljebyn. Any ideas? Perhaps a new house/farm/manor built near Häljebyn?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Titel: SV: Carlsberg in Sillerud, Värmland
Skrivet av: Per Berg skrivet 2021-01-16, 18:39
Long time and maybe you found it or possibly it could help someone else.
Karlberg (Carlberg) is found near Lisslerud. You will find the family under Lisslerud (Litslerud).