
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - General questions => Ämnet startat av: Eileen Cook skrivet 2011-01-14, 05:03

Titel: Vä, Kristianstad - Farm name ?
Skrivet av: Eileen Cook skrivet 2011-01-14, 05:03
I have found the birth on Genline for the person I have been searching for.  I am now wanting to find the family in the household examination records in 1874.  But I can't read the farm name where the father was from.
I would be grateful for your thoughts.  Child's name in Carl born in Vä, in Kristianstad, Apr. 2, entry #22
_SCB Kristianstad,  100011.29; :488;1874-1874; Births;  image/page 36900
Titel: Vä, Kristianstad - Farm name ?
Skrivet av: Jöran Johansson skrivet 2011-01-14, 10:16
They lived at Wä #49, page 230 in household record AI:9 (moving 1875 to Östra Wram).
Titel: Vä, Kristianstad - Farm name ?
Skrivet av: Eileen Cook skrivet 2011-01-14, 18:24
Thank you so much Jöran.  I should be fine now.  It's finding that initial parish which can sometimes be tricky.  Have a great day.  Eileen