
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - General questions => Ämnet startat av: Lee Himan skrivet 2009-10-09, 02:29

Titel: Unauthorized Emigration
Skrivet av: Lee Himan skrivet 2009-10-09, 02:29
Based on Undenäs parish records, great grandfather, Aron Högman, left the parish without the proper permit and he does not reappear in Swedish records after 30 August 1865 until in the early 1900s.  Family oral history states that he arrived in the United States in 1867 or 1868 after working in Sweden and in Norway on a variety of public works projects.  Another portion of that oral history indicates that he entered the United States from Norway by way of Canada. We know he lived in Illinois in 1868 and 1869 and was married there.  So, from August 30, 1865 to September 16, 1869 we have no accurate information about his life.  Can you advise me of a source where I might start in order to trace his travels from 1865 through 1868?
(Aron Högman(adopted surname) was born Aron Jonasson May 2, 1838 in Trollungebyn, Dalskog Parish, Dalsland, and died in Hjo on May 2, 1922.)  
Thank you in advance for any adice you might be able to offer.
Lee Himan
Titel: Unauthorized Emigration
Skrivet av: Mats Ahlgren skrivet 2009-10-09, 11:32
Have you looked at
and been able to see if it is worth following more?
Titel: Unauthorized Emigration
Skrivet av: Lee Himan skrivet 2009-10-09, 16:59
Mats Ahlgren,
Many, many thanks for your assistance.  I had missed seeing your earlier response.  The time frame presented in your Oct. 2 response to my earlier question fits with what has been passed along by one branch of our family.  It gives me a great start for finishing the story of Aron Hogman's life travels.
Lee Himan