
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - General questions => Ämnet startat av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-26, 17:44

Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-26, 17:44
I apologise if this was asked previously.
I could not find it elsewhere.
How can I insert an image into a post?
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Per Eriksson skrivet 2005-10-26, 19:51
Robert, this isn't easy to explain. Because when I try to print the right syntax, the system wants me to upload an image  
But, you type backslash image{description} in one string. The when you hit the send button you will get an upload button, and then you can browse to your image file.
Good luck
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Olle Elm skrivet 2005-10-26, 22:11
Perhaps you also can use this instruction (
Olle Elm
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-26, 22:19
Per and Olle.
Thanks for the response.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Anna-Carin Betzén skrivet 2005-10-26, 22:48
One small correction: In the directions it says Create a new discussion and write a message but in general you don't have to create a new discussion in order to include a photo. (Those directions were originally written to tell people how to create a discussion around a mystery photo.)
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-27, 15:43
One other question now that I know how to insert an image into a post.
In the past I have printed out a picture from Genline and then scanned to make an electronic file.  It looks to me that others on this board are able to copy an image and directly inserting it into a post.
How do you save a direct image from Genline?
Thanks in advance.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Anna-Carin Betzén skrivet 2005-10-27, 16:56
I don't know if Genline itself has a way of copying images, but you can always make screen dumps by pressing Print Screen on your keyboard, opening an image viewer and doing Ctrl+V (Paste). Crop the image as you like and then save.  
This works for making anything on your screen into an image, no matter what software you're running. (This is a PC/Windows hint, I don't know how it would work on e.g. a Mac!)
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-27, 17:45
Thanks Anna-Carin.
I have tried the print screen before and just now and it will not do anything for me.
It may be because I have dual monitors.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Per Eriksson skrivet 2005-10-27, 18:18
Robert, there's several programs to use for it. One is SnagIt from Tech Smith. The demo works fine if you can live with the license pop-up. You just hit Ctrl+Shift+P and then mark what you want from the screen an save it as a file or print it, or even mail it if you like.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-27, 18:30
Per and everyone.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yes Per you are correct there are several programs that I was not aware of.
One of my fellow employees just now gave me a program called PrintKey2000.  It works like a charm.
All my time speant in Genline I wish I could have had it then.
Thanks again.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Jeff Benson skrivet 2005-10-27, 20:36
Robert, Anna-Carin:
Perhaps you need to press and hold the  key, then press Print Screen. That is how I learned it and it always seems to work for me. Robert, I don't know how your dual-monitor situation might affect things since I have always been limited to a single monitor .
As far as I know, the Genline browser does not support a direct save to file capability. I believe that is a deliberate choice on their part. But - does the job, it is just a bit more work.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Robert Goranson skrivet 2005-10-27, 21:23
Thanks Jeff.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Jeff Benson skrivet 2005-10-28, 03:12
Oops! Some of my message was stripped out when it posted. What I wrote was:
Perhaps you need to press and hold the Alt key,...
But Alt-Print Screen does the job,...
The angle-bracket characters I put around 'Alt' and 'Print Screen' caused the text to disappear. Sorry for the confusion.
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Peter Karlsson (Peterk) skrivet 2005-10-28, 11:34
Another good program (with a fully free version) which I use is Gadwin PrintScreen - check it out here [Gadwin PrintScreen 3.1]..
(The instructions in english - that Olle linked to above - was written by me some years ago; of course it would be fine if there in the future was some 'official' place for it, and also if it could be corrected in the way Anna-Carin mentioned.)
Titel: Inserting image within a post
Skrivet av: Olle Andersson skrivet 2005-10-28, 12:09
And another screen-copy utility (You decide which part of screen to copy):
I use the Free version.