
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => _Archives => Discussions in English => Archive - General questions => Ämnet startat av: Julie Daws skrivet 2007-04-23, 23:14

Titel: Help tracing former prime ministers family
Skrivet av: Julie Daws skrivet 2007-04-23, 23:14
I inheritated an item belonging to admiral arvid lindman from my grand-father who was a fireman and attended the fatal air crash in croydon england. I am trying to locate any relatives or any persons that maybe interested in it. The item is inscribed and clearly had sentimental value and I would love to be able to return this appropiately.
Any help much appriciated
Titel: Help tracing former prime ministers family
Skrivet av: Thomas Vikander skrivet 2007-04-24, 17:37
 I take it you have an item with an inscription indicating a connection to Arvid Lindman.
If so, then someone at this site can surely trace his family to relatives living today.
Good for you, and good luck,
Titel: Help tracing former prime ministers family
Skrivet av: Elisabeth Thorsell skrivet 2007-04-24, 17:58
Julie, I have sent an e-mail to the Lindman family historian about this, but he is away on vacation for about a week. But I am sure he will contact you when he returns.
Titel: Help tracing former prime ministers family
Skrivet av: Julie Daws skrivet 2007-04-25, 23:24
I'm new to the forums so I hope this is the correct way to thank you for the support and for passing my details on to the Lindman family historian.
I do hope he contacts me as I'd love to be able to return this to the family.
Again, thank you for your help
Titel: Help tracing former prime ministers family
Skrivet av: Johan Alexander Lindman skrivet 2007-05-21, 16:57
Dear Julie,
After being contacted by my friend and collegue Mrs Elisabeth Thorsell (see above), I appreciate very much indeed your advertisement here at Anbytarforum.  
As a relative to Arvid Lindman (1862-1936, admiral and Minister of State), I have compiled and reguarly present the family history of the Lindman family here in Sweden. The fatal planecrash at Croydon airport outside London in December 1936 took the life of Arvid Lindman, and several others. I would really like to get in contact with you regarding the item you mention.  
I would so much appreciate if you contact me on the following e-mailadress:
Johan Alexander Lindman