
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => OLD TOPICS From Discussions in English/Emigrants - Before July 2008} => Archive - Ex Emigrants => _Archives => Discussions in English => Old topics - From Emigrants (2005) => Ämnet startat av: Julie Watson skrivet 2005-06-23, 13:00

Titel: Jonsson, Anna Maria
Skrivet av: Julie Watson skrivet 2005-06-23, 13:00
Born July 3rd 1861 in Malmo or Helsingborg.  She emigrated to Sydney, Australia in 1888 from Stockholm possibly via London.  She arrived in Sydney on the ship Port Victor.
Her mother may have been Bengla Jonsson, born 11 July 1825(?) died 1880.  
Ida Kristina Jonsson b.1867 and Carolina Anatolia b.1865/died 1866 - may have been her sisters.  She also had a brother.
Her father re-married after her mother died.
Grateful for any help.  Julie Watson.
Titel: Jonsson, Anna Maria
Skrivet av: Carin Olofsson skrivet 2005-06-23, 15:09
Julie, I think I have found her, but she wasn't born July 3rd 1861; she was born July 5th 1860 in Helsingborg. Her parents were Jöns Andersson and Bengta Sonesdotter.
Her siblings were:
Anders Peter, born December 3rd 1862
Carolina, born April 27th 1865, died May 4th 1866
Ida Christina, born May 19th 1867
(All children were born in Helsingborg.)
Jöns was born in Helsingborg September 15 1829. His parents were Anders Jonasson and Kjersti Hansdotter.
He and Bengta was married October 30th 1859.
Bengta was born in Kropp July 11th 1826 and she died of pneumonia May 21st 1880. Her parents were Såne Lafvasson and Sissa Christensdotter (married March 21st 1817).
I haven't found any new marriage for Jöns, and he was still a widower in 1890.
Carin Olofsson
Titel: Jonsson, Anna Maria
Skrivet av: Julie Watson skrivet 2005-06-23, 23:37
Thank you very much.  The information I have is from an old Fodelsdagsbok which belonged to her and the writing is beautiful but not always clear - so Bengla is Bengta - she was my gg grandmother.
Could I ask you to look up her siblings - Anders Peter and Ida Christina - for me?
I would like to try and track down any descendants.  I live in New Zealand and all I have are some old photographs, a book of Tegners poetry and the fodelsdagsbok.
Thanks once again.  Julie.
Titel: Jonsson, Anna Maria
Skrivet av: Carin Olofsson skrivet 2005-06-24, 00:58
Hi Julie,
I haven't been able to find the family in the husförhörslängd after 1867, and therefore I cannot trace Anders Peter and Ida Christina. In the 1890 census I found Jöns Andersson. He is then a widower and lives on the poor house. However, I cannot find him in the 1900 census, so it is possible that he died some time betweek 1890 and 1900 (or he emigrated). Neither Anders Peter nor Ida Christina are found in these censuses, so perhaps they emigrated to.
Titel: Jonsson, Anna Maria
Skrivet av: Julie Watson skrivet 2005-06-27, 01:31
Thank you for looking for Anders and Ida - I wonder if you can suggest any other way of trying to track them down?  Julie.