
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => Discussions in English => Ämnet startat av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-16, 00:20

Titel: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-16, 00:20
I have been researching the parents and grandparents of Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson).

I know that his father, Jonas, was married twice. 

I have tried to trace Jonas' parents and also the parents of Elin Cajsa Persdotter (1st wife) and Johanna Persdotter (2nd wife).

It has been hard to read and understand handwritten names in birth records, to determine who the parents were.  I also have a few dates that I can't find records for.

If anyone is able to confirm the parents and grandparents, or if another set of parents is found, I would appreciate including a link to any new records found.

Thank you for any help.  What I have is below.



Anders Jonasson – Parentage facts                      

Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson)
Birth: 3/5/1835          Ålem  Kalmar län
Baptism: 3/14/1835          Ålem
Residences:             Ålem, Ryssby, Hagby, Söderäkra
Emigration: __/__/__ ?       (age 22, 1857?)
Death: 2/13/1907          Lindenwold, NJ USA


Jonas Samuelsson
        (father of Anders Peter Jonasson)   
Birth: 12/26/1809          Ryssby      (Ryssby-H-C-4-1765-1819-Img-235-P-463)
Baptism: 9/9/1809 ?         (date is before birth date)
Residences:             Ålem, Ryssby, Hagby, Söderäkra
Marriages: Elin Kajsa Persdotter   Ryssby 1/10/1832   (Ryssby-EI-1-1764-1844-Img-61-P-115)
                Johanna Persdotter    Ryssby 2/16/1849   (Ryssby-H-EI-2-1846-1860-Img-8)
Death: 1/26/1864           Söderäkra   (Söderäkra-H-F-2-1861-1883-Img-23)
Burial: __/__/__ ?         


   Samuel Andersson        (grandfather, parent of Jonas Samuelsson)
        Birth:    __/__/1765 ?      Place: __________ ? __/__/__ ?               
        4-19-1765 ? - possible birth: (Kalmar-Stadsförsamling-H-C5-1764-1788-img-26-p-45)
        7-13-1765 ? - possible birth: (Lofta-H-C3-1745-1801-img-77-p-147)
        Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
        Residences:                  Ryssby, Ljungby? Lofta? Kalmar-Stadsförsamling?
        Marriages: Kirsten Pärsdotter     Place: __________ ? __/__/__ ?   
        Death: 4/25/1847                Ryssby   (Ryssby-H-AI-12-1837-1849-Img-76-P-63-AD)   
        Burial: __/__/__ ?   
        Kirsten Pärsdotter      (grandmother, parent of Jonas Samuelsson)
        Birth: 9/25/1765          Ryssby   (Ryssby-H-C4-1765-1819-Img-8-P-9)            
        Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
        Residences:      Ryssby, Västra Ed, Odensvi?(Odensvi-H-AI-8-1791-1806-img-62-p-107)
        Marriages: Samuel Andersson     Place: __________ ? __/__/__ ?   
        Death: 7/11/1840 ?           Ryssby   (Ryssby-H-AI-12-1837-1849-Img-76-P-63)   
        Burial: __/__/__ ?         

Elin Kajsa (Cajsa) Persdotter     (mother of Anders Peter Jonasson)
Birth:    6/1/1811?          ?              ?
                3/23/1811?          Ryssby?   (Ryssby-H-C-4-1765-1819-Img-242-P-477)
                1/10/1811?         Ålem?       ?
                10/1/1811?         Åby      (Åby-H-C-4-1800-1850-Img-71-P-139)      
Baptism: __/__/__ ?
Residences:                            Ålem?, Ryssby, Åby?
Marriage: Jonas Samuelsson 1/10/1832   Ryssby    (Ryssby-EI-1-1764-1844-Img-61-P-115)
Death: 2/11/1846     Ryssby (Ryssby-H-AI-12-1837-1849-Img-97-P-84)                                
Burial: 2/17/1846


   Peter Olsson           (grandfather, parent of Elin Kajsa (Cajsa) Persdotter)
   Birth: 7/21/1776          Place: __________ ?                  
   Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
   Residences:                 Ryssby
   Marriages: Maja Ericsdotter     Place: __________ ? __/__/__ ?   
   Death: 10/23/1851 ?       Ryssby   (Ryssby-H-AI-13-1850-1861-img-33-p-52)   
   Burial: __/__/__ ?         

   Maja Ericsdotter       (grandmother, parent of Elin Kajsa (Cajsa) Persdotter)
   Birth: __/__/1774 ?              Place: __________ ?               
   Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
   Residences:                 Ljungby, Ryssby
   Marriages: Samuel Andersson     Place: __________ ? __/__/__ ?   
   Death: 7/11/1840 ?                Ryssby   ?
   Burial: __/__/__ ?         

Johanna Persdotter          (step-mother, second wife of Jonas Samuelsson)
Birth: 5/24/1819          Hossmo
Baptism: 5/31/1819
Marriage: Jonas Samuelsson    Ryssby  2/16/1849  (Ryssby-H-EI-2-1846-1860-Img-8)
Death: 11/3/1904           Söderäkra    
Burial: __/__/__ ?         


   Peter Pehrsson          (step-grandfather, parent of Johanna Persdotter)
   Birth: 9/1/1781           Karlslunda  (Karlslunda-H-AI-1-1816-1825-img-167-p-321)      
   Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
   Residences:           Karlslunda, Hossmo
   Marriages: Maja Olafsdotter  Hossmo 12/28/1816  (Hossmo-C-2-1754-1860-img-31-p-49)   
   Death: __/__/__ ?         Place: __________ ? 
   Burial: __/__/__ ?         

   Maja Olafsdotter      (step-grandmother, parent of Johanna Persdotter)
   Birth: 5/19/1782      Place: __________ ?            
   Baptism: __/__/__ ?                     
   Residences:         Karlslunda, Hossmo
   Marriages: Peter Pehrsson  Place: __________ ? 12/28/1816   
   Death: 7/11/1840 ?      Ryssby ?
   Burial: __/__/__ ?         

Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-16, 10:01
So much to check here and already Anders Peters birth notice is full of errors. It says his father was Jon Andersson and he was born March 5 1835, but it seems his father was Jon Samuelsson and he was born March 14. The place, Korpemåla, and mother's name is correct though. ( ( 
  Every single person should be tracked from birth to death if possible. Find their birth notice, marriage notice and death notice.
I took a look at Samuel Andersson. It's stated that he was born around 1765, but we don't know where. I found his marriage notice November 11 1790, in Ryssby parish: ( 
The bride Kerstin Pärsdotter was from Espelunda, where the family lived afterwards. Samuel was from Wästerslät/Västerslätt which is in Kläckeberga parish. It seems like he's missing in the birth records though. But through the tax records (mantalslängd) I could find him at Västerlätt number 7, as a son to Carl Nilsson. He can't be tough, his last name is Andersson so his father must be named Anders. But I soon found out that Anders Nilsson in Västerslätt died September 6 1778 and the widow remarried next year with Carl Nilsson. So it seems like Samuels parents were Anders Nilsson and Lena Jonsdotter in Västerslätt in Kläckeberga parish.
Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-16, 19:26
Hi Kalle.

thank you for looking into this.  i agree that each parent needs to be traced.  But I'm an amateur and find it hard at times. 

I also came across the Jon Andersson reference for Anders Peter birth as March 5, 1835 and thought it was strange.  But I believe this date appears in other household records.  I think, perhaps, that the March 14 date might be his christening date a week later.  But, yes, nothing is clear.

Also, thank you for your detective work on Samuel Andersson and his parents. 

I wonder if the March 5, 1835 reference to Jon Andersson might be a mistaken reference to the Grandfather's family name, because Elin Cajsa Persdotter is listed as the mother.

I appreciate your help.  You were able to figure out details that I was not.

Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-16, 19:34
The christening is the second date, in this case March 10. The third number is the age of the mother, a little statistics projekt they had back then.
It isn't uncommon with errors in the old church records. They kept the baptism notes on some scrap paper and wrote it in the books maybe once a year. Much could happend to the notice papers in that time.
Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-16, 20:03
Hi Kalle.

The links you included were from Riksarkivet.  Were you searching for Samuel Andersson there, or are you using ArkivDigital for your search?

Or are you just paging through books until you find the person you are looking for?

If you are searching in Riksarkivet, I haven't figured out how to search a name with any precision.
I have been more successful with ArkivDigital.

If you are searching with Riksarkivet, I would love to see the step-by-step way you use to find Samuel Andersson's marriage to Kirsten Pärsdotter.

I would also like to know how you found him in the tax record and his mother re-marrying after his father's death.

Maybe if I can see how to properly search Riksarkivet, then I can be more successful in my research. 

Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-16, 20:17
I don't think there is a way to search at Riksarkivet, I just linked to that site because I didn't know you have Arkiv Digital. I use AD for searching, together with a lot of paging through books.
The tax records (mantal) is not possible to search. All you can do is type in the parish name and year. The farms mostly come in the same order year after year though, so when you find the right place once you know roughly where to look. Also, in those later years the farms and villages often come in alphabetical order.
So, I knew what place Samuel was from and he married in 1790 so I looked there and found him. And he was gone in the 1791 tax records so that indicates it was the right Samuel.
Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-16, 21:02

I use ArkivDigital when I visit the nearby Mormon Church.  They offer access to ArkivDigital to visitors if you use their computers.  I am hoping to get my own subscription soon, but don't have it yet.

I did find a tax record in 1790 for Wästerslätt in Kläckeberga in Riksarkivet.

Is this where you found Samuel Andersson?  Or am I looking at the wrong record?  I didn't see his name, but the writing is difficult to read.  If it is the right record, might you be able to point out where I would see his name?

Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-16, 21:26
That's the right record. You have Wästerslätt on the right hand side, it's hard to see the numbers but it's 1-4 and 7 is on the next page. There you will see Carl Nilsson as the head of the household and in the right hand margin is "son Samuel dotter Kierstin".
Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-17, 02:35
Hi Kalle.

I did find number 7 with the names on the next page. 

I don't think I would be able to read the names as well as you seem to be able to.  Maybe with practice.  :)

Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Tom Brown skrivet 2024-03-21, 17:53
Hello Kalle.

I now have my own subscription to ArkivDigital.

When you searched for Samuel Andersson in the Kläckeberga tax records, did you do the search in ArkivDigital? If so, could you provide me with a link in ArkivDigital to the record book?

I only found it in Riksarskivet, but can't find it in ArkivDigital, using an Archive parish search.

Thanks, Tom
Titel: SV: Anders Peter Jonasson (Jonsson) - parents & grandparents
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2024-03-21, 18:03
In AD you push "index search" on the left side and go down to the "Quick find: Mantals tax records" in the list. You can also search for births, weddiings and death records there, but the data base is not complete for all of Sweden yet.