
Personrelaterat => Övriga släkter - C (se även K) => Släktnamn => Carlsson* => Ämnet startat av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-03, 19:26

Titel: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-03, 19:26
Looking for information for Anders Gustav Carlson born in Längbro, Örebro, Iän (Närke) Sweden in 1852 prior to his immigration to Oak Valley, Minnesota. He married Margretta Sundquist born 1857,  Gävleborg. Have many pictures and info to share. Anybody want to work together?
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-05-04, 11:25
I know nothing about him, but here he is with his family:
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-04, 13:21
Can you translate the page to English?
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-05-04, 13:26
It isn't that much to translate, you have the family there. Father, mother and some children including Anders Gustaf. Year, date and place of birth to the right, farm name Skogsberg on the top.
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-04, 14:28
What does the farm name skogsberg mean? Thanks!
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-05-04, 15:29
Skog= forest, woods and berg=mountain. This farm is probably located in the woods on some mountain, or on a mountain in the woods.
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: KG Hammarlund skrivet 2020-05-04, 16:38
Or maybe they just thought that it was a nice name. One would have to struggle to find a mountain, or even a hill, in Längbro parish (today in the western parts of the city of Örebro).
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-05-04, 16:59
I checked the area in google maps now and yes, it is pretty flat. There seem to be a slight hill where the woods are behind the farm, but not even the danes would call it a mountain.
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kristina Gunnarsdotter skrivet 2020-05-04, 17:28
Below the family is Carl Andersson's mother, Helena Ersdotter.
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-05, 13:19
So Carl Anderson was Anders Gustav Carlsson's Father and Stina Lisa Jansdotter (correct last name?)  ? I don't understand how the sons name was decided, It's not like in America where the children take the fathers last name? Anders older brother Carl August died July 26, 1852? Helena Ersdotter was Carl Anderson's mother, what are the other names below her and what relation? Thanks for all the input!!!!!
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-05-05, 13:23
The son of Carl will get the last name Carl's son - Carlsson. And the daughter will get Carlsdotter. Simple as that.
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: James Gerchy skrivet 2020-05-05, 21:15
Thank you!!
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: KG Hammarlund skrivet 2020-05-05, 22:16
Read all about the use of patronymics (fathers' names) here:
Titel: SV: Anders Gustav Carlson
Skrivet av: Kristina Gunnarsdotter skrivet 2020-05-05, 22:32
The persons below Helena Ersdotter are farmhands, one with wife and child.The persons at the bottom of the page have probably nothing to do with the others, but I have not checked.

About Swedish naming traditions. Note that women kept their name even if they married.
Carl's birth notice