NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with Annerstad household record


Titel: SV: Need help with Annerstad household record
Skrivet av: Yvonne Stenberg skrivet 2020-11-11, 20:12

Hello again Vicki,

Age at death might not always be so exact, but of course you can be right there. I based my assumption that he might be the correct Lars on the fact that a wife Maria in Marsjö in Annerstad (his supposed sister) was a witness at the baptism of his daughter Ingeborg in 1751, and Lars Lundman's wife in Angelstad was a witness at the baptism o Maria's in Marsjö son Abraham in 1743. They had a brother Abraham that died young. I suppose it might be possible to find some of the estate valuations at the siblings' deaths where a guardian could be named Lars something? Otherwise you might have to keep his whereabouts in your notes for the time being.
