NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-02-25


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-02-25
Skrivet av: Anna-Carin Betzén skrivet 2005-12-25, 23:39
Some reflections largely based on the SAOB ( dictionary:
1. I think you're right about the word being GÄLLT (counted as), but having the entire sentence could make it easier to tell for sure.  
2. PUKA means kettledrum, or to beat a such. UTPUKAT could possibly mean having beaten drums to carry out a message or signal, but it does seem far-fetched. Could the word be UTPEKAT instead, meaning having designated?
3. One meaning of the verb KANKA is to have an uncomfortable ride (on a horse or in a vehicle).
4. The verb KURA has to do with sitting still (like during a hunt), perhaps being bored in the process. On the other hand, there's a verb KUVA, and a person who is KUVAD is subdued.
5. This is a reference to Jacob's wrestling with God in Genesis chapter 32. A literal translation of the verb HÄFVA (nowadays HÄVA) would be to heave or toss.