NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-08-17, 21:18
Hi again Maria!  I got the records copied them should you wish to have the actual record for yourself.  If you do then just send me your mailing address privately.
The actual record notes them as follows:
Johan Sigurd-31
Hanna Olivia-25
Hilma Kristina(?)-(Kristina hard to read)-7
Harry Johan-5
Kurt Folke(?)-(Folke hard to make out too)-3
They were appears that Johan was checked for defective vision and underwent an civil examination...but they were released just one day later- on July 12, 1929.
Johan's next of kin from whence he came (Sweden) noted as: Father, Jonas Berglund, Njurunda.  There is another name there too...but it isn't legible...sort of looks like Ortsjon..?? That doesn't sound right but I can't make it out...too faint.
Johan's passport was issued at Östersund on June 10,1929 (#467).  They each were noted to the following destination:
Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, Manitoba (not an uncommon thing for emigrants-especially for those without relatives/friends already here).
So specific was worth a try though!  Hmmm...I'll try to see what else may be available and then I'll be back-OK?!!