NULL Skriv ut sidan - CD Emigrant Lookup for Walbert


Titel: CD Emigrant Lookup for Walbert
Skrivet av: Erick Olofsson skrivet 2010-07-15, 14:39
Now that we have all of this information torpare Nils Larsson, born 1792 Gudhem. - wife Maja Stina Jansdotter, born 1800 Björned(?) Vassända(?). and when They move to Bp 18, A216, which means page 216, the torp Källebo under Forsered (GID 1926.5.112100).  
Can we determine who their parents where?  
Can I also ask of the whereabouts and families of their children:
 d. Johanna, born 1829-09-29 Naglum.
- s. Johannes, born 1834-10-28 Naglum.
- s. Sven, born 1836-12-19 Naglum.
- s. Gustaf, born 1840-09-21 Naglum.
- s. Andreas, born 1825-02-06 Naglum, came 1842 from Thorse.(?), moved 1844 to Tunhem.
- s. Lars, born 1822-12-18 Naglum.
Whatever you can do for me is most appreciated.
Thank you for your time.