NULL Skriv ut sidan - Sune Bergman


Titel: Sune Bergman
Skrivet av: Danielle Jonsson-Lopez skrivet 2012-02-14, 08:31
Ok. Thank you. I posted a question in the kalixforskarna discussion board, as someone in a post had recommended I try there, but now I am not sure if that board is just open to anyone, so I may have imposed. I hope that I didn't.  
  When you refer to Jönsson and Jonsson I was not aware that there was a difference. Are they completely different surnames? The way my father was told was that our ö was changed to an o after they immigrated, as ö is not in our English alphabet. I get confused.  
   In America, our surname is Jonsson (sounding in English like Jone-Son). In Swedish records, am I looking for Jönsson or Jonsson? This might be incredibly helpful, because I was not aware there was a complete difference!  
  And the birthdate I have for my Linnea Jonsson is October 15, 1893. (as for place, I have Nederkalix. Is this also Töre? I have learned now that my great grandfather was from Töre, but their home in Sweden, when they spoke of it to children/grandchildren was always Nederkalix
Thanks so much for helping me with the questions.