NULL Skriv ut sidan - Andersson, Landroth and Petterson


Titel: Andersson, Landroth and Petterson
Skrivet av: Ingela Martenius skrivet 2007-01-27, 20:00
Maggie and Peter,
According to SAOB, the dictionary of the Swedish Academy (that sets the standard for Swedish), it's rather the other way round:
A silkesvinderska - silk winder (in the female) - winds the silk from a skein to a bobbin.
The silk is winded up on the bobbin to make it easier to warp.
(This has also already been discussed here, though in Swedish.)
One of the foremost silk factories in Stockholm, which means Sweden, was K A Almgrens Sidenväveri (in southern Stockholm, Söder or Södermalm, e.g. Maria parish). It started in 1833 and is, after a 17 year hiatus 1974-1991, still there; a combination of a museum and an actual working loom.  