NULL Skriv ut sidan - 1803 Bouppteckning words


Titel: 1803 Bouppteckning words
Skrivet av: Norm Pono Sandin skrivet 2009-04-25, 00:54
Anna-Carin, I greatly appreciate your efforts and believe I understand the results!  My tiny contribution is that I've been told that the word left in ??? is “lof.” or “lofl.”, an abbreviation for “lofliga” which is venerable.
“Utsupas” is the word at the bottom of the image.  Under that is the list of witnesses, heirs, guardians, etc.  You nailed it Kjell!
I now understand why the son and mother added to the two daughters' share, since they took the goods in exchange.  I also understand the original computed shares.  The mother got 1/3 and the balance was divided to give the son twice what each daughter received.  Coincidentally Nils' share was the same 1/3 as his mother's and each girl got 1/6.
I'm sorry for the two lines I missed and you are correct that they really helped with understanding.
I'm still studying the last word in the line of smeds redskap (image above) that might end in “stamp”.  Could the first letters be “sn” for “socken” - does “socken stamp” make any sense?  Maybe an abbreviation of the parish name?
I hope to get this bp online this weekend (URL above) thanks to all who contributed!  I'm working on another bp with poor penmanship and poor quality images so I may have to call on you folks again in a few weeks.  This one is for the ancestor who started my Sandin line so I'm anxious to see what it has to offer!
Mahalo and Aloha,