
Särskilda ämnen & övrigt => Discussions in English => General questions => Ämnet startat av: Douglas A Nelson skrivet 2019-12-07, 09:12

Titel: Help requested with death record in Stenbrohult parish
Skrivet av: Douglas A Nelson skrivet 2019-12-07, 09:12
Hello,  I would like to ask if someone could please help me translate the attached death record from Stenbrohult-G-C-2b-1751-1827/617 (at the bottom of the page).  I am having trouble with the end of the second, and beginning of the third lines in between her marriage and children.

Died on 28 June 1773 Husfru Britta Bengtsdotter in Bohult married with Sune Pehrsson in Bohult for 34 years……..had 2 sons and four daughters.  Had fever for 14 days before dying at 49 years of age.

Thank you very much,
Doug Nelson
Titel: SV: Help requested with death record in Stenbrohult parish
Skrivet av: Staffan Bergh skrivet 2019-12-07, 10:07
Stenbrohult (G) C:2b (1751-1827) Bild 95 / Sida 616 (AID: v32366.b95.s617 (, NAD: SE/VALA/00346 ({9adefcf7-d5b0-11d4-bbc6-00d0b73e008b}&s=Balder))

Junius 28 [1773] h. Britta Bengtsdotter i Borshult, varit gift med Sune
Pehrsson i Bohult <34 åhr>, bodt sedan i Skålshult, och sist i Borshult
aflat med (??) 10 barn, af h[wil]ka 2 s. och 4 dottrar lefwa
siuk af rötfeber 14 dagar ætas 49 år

June 28 [1773] wife Britta Bengtsdotter i Borshult, been married to Sune
Persson in Bohult <34 years>, lived then in Skålshult, and last in Borshult
had with (him?) 10 children, of which 2 sons and 4 daughters live.
Sick in (typhoid fever?) 14 days, age 49 years

"rötfeber" can be more or less any disease where there's a fever, and that affects the blood: check out   

mvh /staffan
Titel: SV: Help requested with death record in Stenbrohult parish
Skrivet av: Douglas A Nelson skrivet 2019-12-07, 10:21
Thank you very much for the help, and the link to diseases.

Doug Nelson