NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2008-12-04


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2008-12-04
Skrivet av: Jeff Benson skrivet 2007-12-17, 16:22
You are correct, 'veteran' means someone who has served in the military. The term applies generally to any sort of military service and does not necessarily mean they actually participated in a war. Judging from his age, Arthur B. Hanson could have served in World War One, although only a small percentage of American soldiers actually saw combat in that war. Robert W. Hanson was probably just a little too young to see action in World War Two (unless he lied about his age and enlisted early) but he might have served in the Korean war (1948-52).
Regarding the letter by Selma Peterson, I think the sister's name looks to me like Sara, not Jona. Compare the 'J' in Joseph a few lines above. Also, Selma writes the letters 'r' and 'n' distinctly and I think the name has an 'r' as third letter. Perhaps she is using her sister's middle name? Census records don't often show middle names even when many people had them.