NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nils Olofsson/Maria Persdotter(Thonell)


Titel: Nils Olofsson/Maria Persdotter(Thonell)
Skrivet av: Vicki Fretz skrivet 2000-03-25, 23:06
Looking for information on these families they are my gggrandparents.  Nils Olofsson(Olsson) was born  in 1842 in Sunne.  He married Maria Persdotter Thonell in 1864.  Maria was born in 1836 in Grådsjö. There son Olof Nilsson Tonell was born in 1864.  He emigrated to America around 1884.  His name in America was Oliver Tonell.  Any help you can give me on these families would be greatly appreciated.