NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nordlander, Einar/Signe/Helga/John. Duluth, MN USA


Titel: Nordlander, Einar/Signe/Helga/John. Duluth, MN USA
Skrivet av: Don Norlander skrivet 2006-06-07, 17:17
We are coming to Sweden in a week!! and are desperate to find the farm/village/province where my father's family came from...
My greatgrandfather Einar Nordlander immigrated to Duluth, Minnesota, USA around 1910 from Sweden along with is two sisters Signe and Helga and his brother John.     After they arrived in the USA, they changed their surname to Norlander.
Einar Norlander, (with new surname), married Gerda Erickson/Ericson?) in Duluth. Gerda had three brothers, Per Oscar, Charles and Eric and a sister Anna.  Gerda Norlander died in Duluth approximately 1966.    
Does anyone know of the village/town/province where they came from??  thanks!
don norlander
orono, minnesota, usa