NULL Skriv ut sidan - Lars Halfvardsson 1728


Titel: Lars Halfvardsson 1728
Skrivet av: Andrew Johnson skrivet 2024-04-09, 04:19
Lars Halfvardsson of Hindås has a birthdate listed as 1728, most Björketorp household records have a month and day listed unless you were born in another parish, in which case the parish is listed instead.
For Lars Halfvardsson I can't make out the name of the parish he is from and would appreciate any help I can get as well as any other information on Lars Halfvardsson.

Here are links to where some sort of parish besides the one I know are listed (A I -1) (Bild 87 / Sida 19) (A I -1) (Bild 114/ Sida 32)
(http://) (C -2) (Bild 155)