NULL Skriv ut sidan - Help with a household exam


Titel: Help with a household exam
Skrivet av: Bradley Bystrom skrivet 2019-05-08, 19:50

I am seeking help with the notes on the household exam for Johanna Sophia Dalberg (Dahlberg) on Viksjö AI 4 page 76 (attached). I can read (but correct me if I am wrong) that she arrived from Ljustorp in 1836 and that she was born in Stockholm. Date of birth is listed as 18/11 1810 (questionable). Her illegitimate daughter Carin is with her; born Stigsjö 10/11 1839. I cannot translate the notes on the far right of the page, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regarding her date of birth, the earliest record I can find for his is from Ljustorp AI 3 page 56 (attached). Here it lists her date of birth as 4/11 of 1810. I wonder if there was confusion with the Johanna born 18/10 1810 who is listed just above her. Thoughts? Also, what occupation is she listed as? It is not piga, is that due to her age (as she would have only been 12 years old in 1822 which is the date I believe the records starts at for her on this page). Any help would be greatly appreciated regarding this matter. How does a 12 year old girl get from Stockholm to Ljustorp? A mystery indeed.