NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-08-27, 19:57
Pernilla: You are quite welcome!  With such a pleasant demeanour and pesonality (and quite sharp wit too!) it is rather easy to understand why/how Mr. Kellner would have been a close and true friend to Ossian.  It was such a pleasure speaking with him that once we got going, I had to remind myself not to stay on too long...the time just seemed to fly!
I did tell him that you had already mailed a letter to him...but that I was calling to see if it really was he will be waiting!  He really was quite interested and it probably brought back some fond memories for him from what he shared.  
Hopefully he can answer who Rosie is (I've never heard that name from you before)...but as you said she is in a picture with Ossian!  He said they were very close and that Ossian always stayed with him and his it could be quite possible he will know...the picture was from Canada, yes?
Anyway, I am going to check that ancestor/Taylor thing and see...perhaps another call is in order?!
Talk to you later,