NULL Skriv ut sidan - Porse


Titel: Porse
Skrivet av: M.Sjöström skrivet 2007-09-28, 13:06
Does it exist any primary source about genealogical relationship between duke Knud Porse and Estrid paa Helgamo?
Of secondary material: other genealogies (such as roskildehistorie and corpuisnobiliorum and some other material floating around in the internet) claim that Estrid of Helgamo was duke Knud Porse's mother; some other genealogies say that duke Knud Porse's mother is not known and that Estrid of Helgamo was mother of some other Porses who were relations of duke Knud but she was, accordingly, not duke Knud's mother.
What say primary material?
What say contemporary sources?