NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hard af Segerstad


Titel: Hard af Segerstad
Skrivet av: Peter Karlsson / anbytarvärd (Peter) skrivet 2003-06-17, 12:04
As Olle, Elisabeth and others have mentioned above you really should try to find the book Svenska Adelns ättartavlor [1925-1936] by Gustaf Elgenstierna - it's nine volumes about the swedish noblity families, and if you want to find all the ancestors to your Carl Wilhelm Leopold (1834-1898) that's the way to find them.. Besides the Hård af Segerstad family you'll come into a lot of other noble familys which you can find in theese volumes.
The Svenska Adelns ättartavlor should be possible to find in some bigger university librarys in USA. But as Elisabeth mentioned: it's of course in swedish.. -But most of the personal information (names, dates, relations etc.) will still be easy to coop with I think.
It all starts with your Gustaf Magnus and Carl  Wilhelm Leopold at page 734 in band III; then you can follow their parents and so on backwards.. But you will need more volumes than number III when you get into other families back in time..
Good luck!