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Titel: SV: Christopher Lundgren
Skrivet av: Erkki Lehto skrivet 2022-01-31, 16:40
Tack Markus!
Fabrici name is known in Padova during the proper dates. It has been really difficult to find any information about the Italians in Sweden though and they surely were in more relevant numbers since 1584 in the troops of Pontus de la Gardie, in Ingermanland and in attack against Novgorod. My wife´s ancestors lived in Nyen latest since 1665, before that in the western Livland, Pommern but also in the Polish areas as Gdansk and the Duchy of Courland. But, though the Dutch-Italian ancestry is known, the branch in the Swedish service were mercenaries. And I really do not exactly  know when our branch of the family arrived. One branch that descended of shipowners in Amsterdam and Padova arrived in mid 150ies into Riga. The most Italians in the Swedish Realm, if I am right, during the Age of Greatness were artists and craftsmen, some in service for de la Gardie family in Stockholm and in their  mansions in Livland and elsewhere in mainland Sweden. On Strozzi, Fabrici and Antonini I have found several Goyer/Goijer family during the 18th century Sweden, interesting for me as de Goyer (Gooijers) shares Autosomal DNA with all Antonini descendants in Finland. de Goijer, Goyer, Gooijers is found in Amsterdam and Breda, as Antoninis, one lady wed to Signore  Bernardo Antonini during 1680ies. The Antoninis in Nyen were found following the Dutch settlers, merchants and craftsmen and business peoples, and  soldiers. I have not found any research on Italian immigration at all. It may be, as with Antonini-Anthonini-Anthonius-Antonies they could be mixed with Dutch nationals, as the United Provinces got immigration from all Italy, also via the French ruled areas, not to mention the Polish-Italians as mercenaries changing for the Swedish due to the Swedish recruitment policies of the Carolin kings. 10 % of all  the mercenaries during the 30 Years´of War were of Italian origin, not to mention the thousands recruited in the Flanders armies of with some later changing for the Princes of Orange/United Provinces as several Antoninis in three generations. Thank you for your kind comment. Erkki