NULL Skriv ut sidan - ÄLDRE inlägg 2000 - mars 2010


Titel: ÄLDRE inlägg 2000 - mars 2010
Skrivet av: James Higgins skrivet 2006-03-28, 17:21
Hej! Maud
Nels and Anna were close family friends of ours. My mother was born in Porter County and lived in Tremont where Nels and Anna were neighbors. Nels was mill worker at Indiana Harbor. They were members of Augsburg Swedish Luthern Church. My mom said they had two children Anita and Norman. Anita married Bob Peterson and they farmed in LaPorte County. She said Norman lived in Chicago.
Sometime in 1960's Nels and Anna moved to Mora,Kanabec County, Minnesota. I believe we sort of lost touch with them after that.
If you have any specfic questions we will try and help you, when they lived in Porter County they were close friends of my families.  