NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nilsson, Håkan and Christiandotter, Maria Högseröd Skane - Marriage date


Titel: Nilsson, Håkan and Christiandotter, Maria Högseröd Skane - Marriage date
Skrivet av: Cathy Hokanson skrivet 2009-09-07, 23:33
Bo, thank you so much for your replies.  Here in the U.S. we found a lot of mistakes especially with name spelling.  I was told it had to do with either the census taker or the person being listed didn't know how to spell.  So we do run into lots of errors.  On your second message, you listed Maria surname as Larsdotter. I received a message from the Skåne message board stating it was Christiandotter. I'm guessing it was wrong.  Have a great day!