NULL Skriv ut sidan - Interpret parish record, Emigration records


Titel: Interpret parish record, Emigration records
Skrivet av: Kiffie Bjorklund skrivet 2010-03-11, 05:50
Genline 1722.25.25900.  Can someone please interpret?  Lines 9 through 15 are the same people shown above in lines 1-7.  This is also the first time I've seen where the patrynomic names are not used.  One other question, please.  How were the parishes distributed?  I've noticed that previous parish records showed my ancestors were from Wä (now Vä) No. 5.  Were there zones in the parish?  Can someone move from Wä No. 5 to Wä No. 10?  Just wondering.  Thanks to everyone who has helped me!