NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2003-09-17


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2003-09-17
Skrivet av: Phil skrivet 2003-09-16, 01:36
Hello Andrew
The three Augusts in Linneryd are:
August, born 18420515, christened 18420516, born at Blötmäla, father H. EG. Jonas Gummesson and mother Cajsa Gummesdotter, age 35.
August Vilhelm, born 18420624, christened 18420626 at Carlscrona Samma Församlingen (not sure what this means). Father, none listed.  Mother Piga Lisa Johansdotter age 24. Anmärking: Födde barnet hos sina föräldrar.
August Vilhelm, born 18420813, christened 18420814 at Bökås Storeg. Father Johan D. Niclasson, Mother Eva Carlsdotter age 31. This is the only child listed for these parents.
I just took a look at the births in Blötmåla and father Jonas Gummesson, I find a second August born on 18440515 and christened on 18440516. The mother of this child was Cajsa NICLASSON.
Hope this helps, or does this lead to more questions.  Phil