NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Locating a specific place/farm from Husförhör record


Titel: SV: Locating a specific place/farm from Husförhör record
Skrivet av: Laars Lövdahl skrivet 2019-05-10, 20:11
I have more information for you. I have contacted the local community association for Nor parish. They have made a farm, croft investigation 1994.  Djupdal and Mickelstorp are included in the investigation. There are some remains/ruins after the crofts at the sites, but the crofts/buildings have been moved to other places. If you are interested I can send the information to you. You can send an e-mail to my private e-mail that you can find in my contact information. Thus, I get your e-mail address. However, if you prefer I can prepare a PDF- file and publish it here in the forum thread.