NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2011-08-30


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2011-08-30
Skrivet av: Luke Ronlund skrivet 2011-08-26, 15:50
Hello Ulla,
with regards A1:2 sidan 240. If this refers to the family Giöran (Goran) Camitz and wife Lisa (Elizabeth), then I wonder who Petter, Caisa and Stina are??? Thank you for bringing this reference to my attention as I was not aware of it.
With regards E1:1 bild 42, I have a copy of this document already. But I wonder when it says they were married at home, where home was?  
MANY thanks for taking the time to look at this family a little closer for me. It is most appreciated.