NULL Skriv ut sidan - Olaf Salmonson


Titel: Olaf Salmonson
Skrivet av: Bo Nordenfors skrivet 2010-05-14, 17:34
Jöns was born 11 July 1885 in Dalby, Malmöhus county, to Jöns Bengtsson Öberg, corporal, and his wife Mätta Nilsdotter, at Dalby nbr 4.
Source: GID 100012.93.28100,  [Malmöhus]  _scb Malmöhus,  .833, Födde, 1885-1885, 0-0,  Bild 281 av 713    
Johan was born 28 Dec. 1883 in Dalby.
Source: GID  100012.89.64100,  [Malmöhus]  _scb Malmöhus,  .774, Födde, 1883-1883, 0-0,  Bild 271 av 314    
Family was found in a clerical survey for Dalby between 1883 and 1891 (AI:16 pg 26, GID  1637.59.3000 )
The brother Nils who was mentioned as residing in Illinois in 1903, was born 25 March 1872 in Jöns Bengtsson Öberg's first marriage. Nils emigrated in January 1891.