NULL Skriv ut sidan - Swedish Cavalry and Stromsholm Riding Academy


Titel: Swedish Cavalry and Stromsholm Riding Academy
Skrivet av: Hans Högman skrivet 2003-10-13, 20:22
Hi Kurt,
Strömsholm near the town Köping (province of Västmanland) and the royal castle Stömsholm has been connected to horses for a very long time.  
Between the 1520's and 1872 Strömsholm was a government stud-farm, between 1868 and 1970 the home of the Army Horse School (Ridskolan, RS), between 1872 and 1956 also a stallion depot and also between 1885 and 1895? a remount depot.
Remounting means the process of supplying horses for the Armed Forces. A remount is an acquired young horse; a horse not yet trained.  
In the 1880's the Crown took charge of the remounting for the mounted enlisted regiments and for the harnessed regiments. An example of harnessed regiments is the artillery regiments.
A special remounting commission was set up in 1883. In 1886 the commission received the name the Remounting Board (Remonteringsstyrelsen). At the end of the Allotment System, also the horses provided by the ”rusthåll” (system of providing the horsemen to the cavalry in the Allotment System - Indelningsverket) were handed over to the Remounting Board.  
In order to handle all horses a number Remounting Depots was established in 1885.  
A lot of young horses was annually bought by a special committee and was sent to the remount depots for training. After one year of training at the depots the horses were sent to the regiments for a further one-year of training.
The horses were, like the soldiers, registered in general muster rolls.
I don't know if the Army Horse School (Ridskolan, RS) was open to horsemen or just for officers. However the records of  participants at the school ought to be at the War Archives in Stockholm, see
The War Archives is the Military Archives of Sweden and open to the public.
Hans Högman