NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nelson/Johson


Titel: Nelson/Johson
Skrivet av: Elisabeth Thorsell skrivet 2007-05-26, 22:58
According to the Aneboda clerical survey 1890-99 (AI:14, p.76)
Sven Magnus Hjertensson died 1894 Oct.5 at Gyvik.
Daughter Ida Rosalinda emigrated 1891 April 12, and left the port of Göteborg on April 17 with a ticket for Saint Paul, MN. She is recorded as a Svensson.
Her brother Carl Hjerton Fritiof Svensson, born 1871 May 30, also left for America in 1891, he left the port of Göteborg on Nov. 19 with a ticket for Wayne, NE.
Information on tickets from the database Emihamn