NULL Skriv ut sidan - Wid


Titel: Wid
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-06-16, 01:34
Hi Carina!  Thanks for your message.  You are correct in that I was looking for Hycklinge parish...I keyed the name in incorrectly. (oops!)
You mentioned that the DISBYT database ( I have heard of it) lists 76 persons with the surname WID.  Could you please tell me if the people noted include the following (and if they were noted as destined to the USA?)?:
Frans Alfred Wid-born May 25, 1869
Emil Adlof Valdemar Wid-born September 14, 1880
I have learned that in fact Frans was born in Locknevi, Kalmar county...if that helps.  Emil was born in Hycklinge, Östergötland.
I would so appreciate it if you could please check for them...I can't tell you how much!
I have heard of DISBYT before...and about climbing the trees if one is a can one do that...subscribe I mean.  What would be the cost in Canadian  (or USA) dollars?
Well I surely hope to hear from you soon!  Thank you for your time Carina.
KInd regards,