NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need confirmation/correction for note on 1694 Uhlarp tax record in Angelstad


Titel: SV: Need confirmation/correction for note on 1694 Uhlarp tax record in Angelstad
Skrivet av: Victoria Cihla skrivet 2021-01-15, 20:15
Thank you, Martin!

I'm not trying to disprove your work at all - I'm just trying to ensure that I understand the information and back up my research with as much supporting documentation as I am able to.  Sometimes when I get too much information all at once I have difficulty sorting it all out.  However, I am very grateful for any information that I receive!  You have been very helpful.

I know that it doesn't at all prove this is his widow, but I'm trying to understand the information that is available since I have not found a death record for her or another marriage record for Lars after 1701/1702.  Since this Lars died in 1706 at age 78, he would have been quite old already (not that it couldn't have happened that way).  I don't have any way to tell who another Lars might have been who moved there.

Maybe the notes on the subsequent tax records will answer some of the questions I have.  Can you help me with the notes say for the following records? 

In 1704 there are a Lars and wife, similar to the record for 1703, they are supported by their children.  There is also a note on the far right that I'm not sure if relates to them or not.  Please correct me if I have not translated correctly.

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Kronobergs län 1642-1820 (G) 46 (1704) Image: 1040 Page: 2165

In 1705 they are not listed, but I'm not sure what the last part of the entry says or even if it to them.

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Kronobergs län 1642-1820 (G) 47 (1705) Image: 1070 Page: 1753

In 1707 again they are not listed but I don't really understand the last line in this record.

Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Kronobergs län 1642-1820 (G) 49 (1707) Image: 1890 Page: 1947

It seemed like it might be possible that, since Elin Larsdotter was married to Anders Jonsson, the Anders who is also listed would indicate the daughter and son-in-law that are supporting him.  I could very easily misinterpret the information and would appreciate any correction.

Anyway, thanks again for your help,
