NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Where did Brita Lisa go?


Titel: SV: Where did Brita Lisa go?
Skrivet av: Kristina Rylander skrivet 2023-04-22, 14:32

I just found this entry:
Name   Brita Lisa Berg
Gender   Kvinnelig
Death Age   79
Record Type   begravelse (Burial)
Birth Date   1812
Birth Place   MO Sogn Dalsland
Death Date   20 Febr
Burial Date   28 feb 1891
Burial Place   Hof, Vestfold, Norge (Norway)
Burial Municipality   Hof

It says she was a Swedish widow. Could perhaps any of the children be living in Norway at this time? Or is this another Brita Lisa Berg?

Brita Lisa Berg born September 28th 1812 can be found with her parents and siblings in Mo, se e.g. Mo (P) AI:8 (1831-1835) Bild 24 / sid 19 (AID: v4024.b24.s19, NAD: SE/GLA/13371).

This Brita Lisa Berg moves to Edsleskog 1832 (noted as Hesselskog).

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