NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arbrå Mantalslängd Koldemo 5 1662-1662


Titel: Arbrå Mantalslängd Koldemo 5 1662-1662
Skrivet av: Timothy Blomquist skrivet 2015-08-02, 17:42
Here is another name translation I need help with. I have included a little background for any other researchers. This is for Koldemo 5, and the farmer there was Hans Pärsson, appearing in the Mantalslängd in 1643.  By 1656 he is gone and replaced by his wife it seems.  In 1667 his son Pär Hansson is the farmer.  I have included two images from the Mantalslängd from 1662 and 1663.  I am trying to figure out the name of the wife.  I was thinking Giörli but maybe a better researcher here could give me a better reading:
Thanks for any help,
Timothy Blomquist