NULL Skriv ut sidan - Recording Swedish Place Names in US format


Titel: Recording Swedish Place Names in US format
Skrivet av: Mary Nelson Keithahn skrivet 2010-03-07, 23:58
I have been entering my Swedish ancestors in my Heredis genealogy program, and have been trying to figure out where to put the parts of a Swedish address into this format:
Postal Code
For example, would Hjärsås be the place, Kristianstad the county, and Sweden the country?  Is there an equivalent for state/province?  On the individual entry pages it calls for Place and subdivision place.  Would the house or place number go in the Subdivision?
When I have an address like Bivaröd nr 15, Knislinge (L) or Mölleryd, Vånga what is the American category for each?  Is Bivaröd nr 15 a street address in Knislinge or is Bivaröd another town or community?
Does L always refer to Kristianstad county?  Where can I find a list of the letters for other counties?
Thanks for your help in sorting this out.