NULL Skriv ut sidan - Carlson, Alfred W b1862 Sweden. Emigr ca 1883 - Swedish roots ?


Titel: Carlson, Alfred W b1862 Sweden. Emigr ca 1883 - Swedish roots ?
Skrivet av: Carl Wolf skrivet 2012-06-02, 04:58
Hi Barry, I think the book you looked at in ArkivDigital is the original parish birth and baptism book whereas the record on is the SCB Extract.  You can tell if it's an SCB Extract because the Swedish word Utdrag (meaning extract) is the first word in the heading on each page.  See page 121 in Cradles in Sweden for more explanation but basically starting in 1860 each parish filled out extract forms for all of the births, deaths, and marriages during the year and these were sent in to the central church.  That's why the columns are different since there were different forms that were used for the parish books and the extracts, though as you noted the basic information in each is the same.  Also usually you'll find that one person filled out the extract forms for a given year while several different priests made entries in the parish book.