NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hatchery built 1897 in either WI, MI or IL, Do you know of it?


Titel: Hatchery built 1897 in either WI, MI or IL, Do you know of it?
Skrivet av: Barbro Ärnhage skrivet 2005-03-06, 15:25
Looking closer at the photo I can see that the older woman resembles my mother. In that case she might be Maria Larsdotter who married Karl Gustaf Taberman and emigrated to Washburn, Bayfield county Wisconsin in 1893.
Maria was born 1866, so if my earlier assumption that the photo was taken in the twenties is right it would fit. She would have been around 55 years when the photo was taken.
Maria and Carl Gustaf had the children Carl, Edith and Roy between 1896 and 1900.
Best Regards